To ensure that you are able to convey your message effectively, you need to communicate properly with the other person. If you are not capable of communicating your message loud as well as clear to the other individual, he/ she will not be able to perceive the true meaning as well as motive behind your message. Communication plays a vital role in our everyday life with each one of us making use of different methods of communication for conveying our messages and for understanding the messages of others as well. We can also simply define communication as the act of exchanging expressions, information as well as thoughts.
Why good communication skills are important?
Communication can be both one way as well as two way depending on the number of individuals who are a part of the process. It is very important to have a good two way communication between your team, organization and even family members so that you are able to deliver your message and also get a chance to find out their apt response. One way communications usually have an individual communicating his/ her thoughts to the other person while the other person is simply listening to the message being conveyed to him. In other cases, one way communications are also seen in televisions as well as radios where the information is imparted to an individual or a large number of individuals via the satellite communication system with the people having no other pivotal role other than simply listening to the information.
The relevance of a two- way communication is usually seen in the case of speaking to people face to face. This is the case when two individuals are talking to each other and here an individual stops in between his sentences to get an appropriate response from the person he is talking to. In a two- way communication, both the parties are required to be equally involved so that the other person does not feel like he/ she is not being heard properly. Two way communications also hold relevance in the case of face to face as well as telephonic interviews when both the interviewer as well as the candidate are required to maintain healthy, direct as well as active communication with each other. In these cases, there is also the need for both the parties to maintain constant eye contact with each other.
7 C’s of effective communication:
- Completeness
- Conciseness
- Consideration
- Concreteness
- Courtesy
- Clearness
- Correctness
Communication is the sole source of conveying our thoughts and dilemmas with other people. Through the use of healthy communication, almost all kinds of problems can be solved since all the parties involved are provided with a chance to put forward their thoughts as well as they are also assured that they are being heard during all points of time throughout the course of the process of communication. Whether professionally or personally, there is always the need to maintain a healthy and open- minded communication with people around you. Last but not the least, communication is an art which brings two individuals closer in the long run while also enabling them to understand each other’s thoughts easily.
Bonus: Watch this video to improve your communication skills
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